My name is Abongdoh Maluyane Titus, and what I have achieved is statistically impossible.
Let me explain.
I was born into a low-income family of 8. Neither of my parents had the opportunity to effectively pursue a secondary school education. Growing up, my father was a taxi driver, and my mother was a farmer. Feeding, sheltering, and educating 6 children on the income from these jobs was nearly impossible.
Here’s what characterized my upbringing, creating the “norm” for me;
Being sent home for not having completed school fees EVERY YEAR,
Studying without any textbooks or academic accessories (I would usually borrow)
My parents always being on the brink of being broke. The next meal was all that I could ask for. Anything outside that was an absolute luxury.
Growing up in the small town of Bamenda, I had no connections to the outside world. I had no “godfathers“, and no solid support. Nothing I could fall back on.
The reason I tell you this story is because I think you relate. In some way.
Coming from this background, succumbing to mediocrity was considered normal. Because I did not know better, I did not believe that I could achieve the impressive feats I have today, including meeting world leaders (Presidents), visiting several countries, receiving globally prestigious Awards and Scholarships, and appearing on the front pages of national and internationally renowned news outlets and blogs.
The turning point for me was when I found mentors.
I can say, with absolute resolve, that I owe ALL my success to my mentors.
I was able to look at the world through the eyes of my mentors. To stand on their shoulders and believe that anything is possible, as long as I put my mind to it.
By listening to my mentors, and heeding their counsel, I was able to shed all the limiting beliefs I had been indoctrinated with during my impoverished childhood.
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton.
Whatever thing you want to achieve, someone else already has. Why not learn from them?
Why do you want to take the longer path, spend more time learning, and making mistakes, when you can simply learn from your mentor’s mistakes?
This reminds me of a great quote from Otto Von Bismarck
“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”
This is why we are reopening the Career Accelerator Program, a one-month intensive mentorship program for career-conscious young professionals and entrepreneurs.
If you are intentional about taking charge of your career growth and setting yourself up for long-term career success. This is for you!
As a holistic mentorship program, the Career Accelerator Program equips participants with the skills, knowledge, and guidance to take their careers/businesses to the next level and set themselves up for long-term success.
After two successful sessions, here are some testimonials from participants:
Other participants have gone forth to launch their businesses, gain entry into prestigious fellowships and accelerator programs, and even secure jobs.
Take Kevin, for example, who was accepted to join the Mandela Washington Fellowship team in Cameroon as a volunteer.
Are you ready to Accelerate your career?
You cannot do it all by yourself.
The Career Accelerator Program is NOT for you IF;
You blame someone else for not getting the results you want
You think successful people are lucky, and somehow you cannot be successful
Reply “CAP“ to join the waitlist for May session.