What most people do not understand is that we are always making sacrifices.
Reading this email at this moment means that you have made the intentional decision to sacrifice anything else you could be doing right now to give me your attention. You have made a sacrifice. Big or small.
Jordan Peterson makes the case that we are going to pay for all the things we do and don’t do. We don’t get to choose to not pay a price. We only get to choose what price to pay.
There is an old adage that reads “If you do not sacrifice for what you want, what you want will become the sacrifice“. This is why I love taking risks.
A story is told of a rock climber who got trapped in a rock canyon when a boulder fell on his arm, leaving him stranded for six days.
He struggled to survive, resorting to drinking his limited water supply and attempting various methods to free himself. Eventually, driven by rage and desperation, he broke his own arm and amputated it to escape.
I want you to imagine that for a second.
Piercing a knife through your own flesh into your bone, and then whacking it so violently that it breaks, and your arm cuts off. Watching the blood drain from your veins and experiencing inexplicably excruciating pain - voluntarily.
Are you willing to ”cut your arm off”?
That arm that's holding you back from becoming who you want to be.
That “arm” could be deterring relationships with low-quality people, unproductive habits, pointless interactions and drama, instant gratification and pleasure, self-doubt, and a risk-averse mindset.
That arm could be the counsel of friends and well-meaning people, the media, your teachers, and even your partner (ignore that last one :) ).
But here’s the thing. If the fellow in our story did not cut off his arm, he would eventually starve and die. This reiterates the initial point that you will always pay a price. You do not get to choose not to pay a price. You only get to choose what price to pay.
One arm I decided to cut off at the start of the year was my social life. I decided to pay the small price of solitude and isolation in exchange for the attainment of my goals. A bit extreme, but what isn’t? :)
I ask one more time, would you cut off your arm?
I will be reading all replies.