For the longest period of human history and evolution, we have lived as pack animals, hunting and gathering together, building villages, clans, civilizations and economies together.
This is a property of our primate nature that has and will always be an integral part of us. As social animals, building systems and things with each other, is not only a better way to advance. It is also a core perquisite for self-organization and self-discovery.
One of my favorite writers and thinkers of the 21st Century, Jordan Peterson, makes the case that it is through talking with each other that we are able to organize our thoughts properly, without which we may lose touch of who we are, or who we want to be.
It is no doubt therefore, that solitary confinement is one of the most gruesome forms of torture employed in correctional facilities, even more effective than physical torture.
However, the social environment that we create or join has a significant role to play in individual and career development. It is therefore no longer a question of whether or not we should be part of social settings. It is a question of the caliber, and quality of social environment that we must join.
Network = Network.
The age-old adage that “your network is your NetWorth” is no doubt factual. In my experience, I have only been able to access some of the best opportunities, projects and avenues as a direct result of one or more of my networks.
It is statistically proven that you make $2000 to $3000 directly from your network, through direct deals, referrals, and even bonuses.
Your network dictates how much power and influence you have in your society personally and professionally. The people you know and how much they are invested in you makes you rise in the ranks in every conceivable way.
Lone Wolf
I spend most of my time alone, and absolutely enjoy doing so as it helps me focus on what I want to do and do it within the confines of my schedule. Solitude has also helped me develop my vision for my life, helped me enhance my skills, and build my personality and self of self.
But this has not stopped me from building the right connections and networks with the right people. Some people use being “introverted” as excuse to not go out of their way and build the networks they need.
You can fix this using the OQP Principle.
Only Quality People. If you are not mutually supporting each other to grow and develop in some way or another, do not keep them around.
Your network introduces you to new opportunities, connects you to more people and makes you professionally stronger and keeps you mentally sound. It becomes your support system during personal and/or professional slumps, transforming into a shoulder to cry and vent, or a stream of ideas to help you pull through. What more, it exposes you to new ideas and thoughts, expanding your perception of the world as you know it.
Spend time with 5 Quality People and you will be the 6th.
Spend time with 5 Low Quality People and you will become the 6th.
For the past 8 months, I have been building a community of like-minded young people passionate about achieving their personal and career goals through Global Opportunities.
Through Personalized mentorship, I have enabled young Cameroonians access opportunities which have reshaped the face of their careers and academics significantly, enabling them travel internationally, win competitions, access grants and funding and build their companies and businesses. I recommend that you join this network.
Write me here
I recently released a video to my YouTube channel on how to improve your productivity with 3 daily habits. Watch here.
See you soon!
Thank you for this masterpiece!. Your network indeed is your networth. Please as a seasoned networker, what advice or pro tip would you give to someone struggling in this aspect